What I Use: Charlotte, North Carolina 2021 (Premium)
It’s been an interesting few months of tentative travel after spending most of the previous year stuck in and near my home. My first tentative post-vaccination trip was a long weekend in Washington D.C. back in March, which I wrote about. And then similar trips to the Boston area and New York City, which I did not. During that time period, I received my second vaccination, and then my wife and kids were all vaccinated twice as well. We’re ready for the future.
These early post-vaccination trips were curiously similar in that they all involved driving, not flying, and were to places which we know well. It is interesting to me that, through no specific plan or agreement, my wife and I very specifically revisited places with which we were already familiar instead of trying anything new. It has, after all, been well over a year since we’ve been able to visit these places safely. But since those trips, I discovered that this is a normal human condition: As CNN reported recently, this sense of familiarity helps to reassert a sense of normalcy after a year that was, by any measure, completely out of whack.